Today we have entered into the Jewish month of Nissan. Nissan is the head of the year, it is when the seed we have sown reaches full growth and we wave our First fruit offering before the Lord. As we do this we pray and declare that the fullness of our harvest is being secured and that every seed we sow will prosper.
This month is linked to the Tribe of Judah- the apostolic leadership, warring tribe, who operated with sound. This is a KEY time to PRAISE! Judah goes out in war first! God inhabits the praises of His people, not the fear and panic of His people! This is a time to war for our covenant promises, set loose a sound of praise that will break us into a new dimension of victory and wholeness. Declare that the Power of the Blood of Jesus has set us free and that the path of healing and miracles is now before us.
Nissan is the beginning of Spring and one of the Hebrew words for Spring is REPENTANCE. It’s a wonderful picture of coming out of a dead winter season and positioning ourselves to bring forth new life and to flourish. It is the month that sets the course for the future of the whole year.
Nissan is the month of the beginnings of miracles. God is calling some of us to operate in miracles which is a part of our gifting and destiny.
Nissan is associated with our speech: If we are making negative confessions during Nissan, we will have trouble the rest of the year. Negativity will take seed in us. Instead we must make positive confessions and change our atmosphere into blessings. We need to speak forth THANKFULNESS and celebrate PASSOVER and Thank God for bringing us OUT of the bondage of sin.
The Tabernacle of God was built and set up and put into operation by Moses on the first day of Nissan, thousands of years ago. It is talked about in the last chapter of Exodus and verse 34 says “Then the cloud covered the Tabernacle, and the Glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle.” It is the Glory of the Lord that breaks the curse! Remember In Numbers chapters 23 and 24 the prophet Balaam was paid to curse Israel but found that NO ONE can curse what God has blessed!!!
This plague of 2020 came from, it is about to PASSOVER!
This is adapted from Chuck Pierce’s book- A Time To Advance - Check it out!