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Crystal Parham

Our Part In Passover Pt 1

Moses had announced to Pharaoh, “This is what the Lord says: At midnight tonight I will pass through the heart of Egypt. All the firstborn sons will die in every family in Egypt, from the oldest son of Pharaoh, who sits on his throne, to the oldest son of his lowliest servant girl who grinds the flour. Even the firstborn of all the livestock will die.

Exodus 11:4-5

As the story goes, during the tenth and final plague, God passes through the land of Egypt and strikes down the firstborn of every household. But the Jews have been told to mark their doors with the blood of a lamb they've sacrificed — the Passover offering — and so God “passes over” their homes.

The Jews were to select a young, perfect, and unblemished lamb and bring it in the house to live for four days to be inspected. The ancient Egyptians worshipped lambs. Taking a lamb, the Egyptians' deity, into their homes for four days, with the intention of slaughtering and eating it, was an act that was sure to be noticed by the Egyptians.

All the lamb was to be eaten including the head and the organs and entrails. Now I'm not one to eat organs and intestines so this would have been pretty difficult for me!

The whole substance of the sacrificed lamb was to enter into the substance of the people, with only the blood as an exception, which was sprinkled as a sacrificial offering.

We take ALL of Jesus or we leave ALL of Jesus. When you accept Jesus as Savior you accept Him as Lord and if He is Lord, we are subject to Him, fully obedient to His Word in all things, not always being easy or comfortable. We consume the whole Lamb, so His substance enters us and becomes the substance of us. There is a resistance from the enemy to everything we do in the Kingdom of God, we have to crucify our flesh so the Fullness of God works itself out in us.

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