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Crystal Parham

Best of Both Worlds?

Then Elijah talked to them. “How long are you going to waver between two opinions?” he asked the people. “If the Lord is God, follow him! But if Baal is God, then follow him!”

Are you all in, or all out? Are you in and out? Remember when you were a kid and your Mom would say "Stay inside or outside! stop running in and out!"

Well God is saying the same thing,

“I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other!" Revelation 3:15

Jesus, like Elijah is telling people that it is not possible to be friends with God and friends with the world. How long will you waver, hesitate, halter, limp between the two? Those that are cold, those that who choose the world as god, do so. Those who choose God as the One True God, do so. I can deal with you, I understand where you stand, but those who try to marry God and the world, it's not possible. Those who try may think they have the best of both worlds but they are deceived. What they have is a knockoff Jesus. They declare Jesus is Lord but they don't follow Him. Their actions and words contradict Him. They fashion a Jesus in their minds that approves of their lifestyle and revolves around what they think or feel or do, not the unchanging God of the scriptures.

They love Jesus but don't fear God.

The only question for you is, "If God be God follow Him. Not if it be more advantageous to you; but, "if God be God" follow Him.

If God be God, if He made you, I demand that you serve Him; if it is He who puts the breath into your nostrils, I demand that you obey Him. If God be really worthy of your worship, and you really think so, I demand that you either follow Him, or else deny that He is God at all."

-Charles Spurgeon

To read Spurgeon's message click below.

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