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Crystal Parham

God Deals With Us Unfairly

God deals with us unfairly.

You probably haven’t heard that statement before!

We like fairness, we like justice to prevail. That’s why we get upset when the ref makes a bad call, when someone breaks in line, or when others get perks that we don’t.

God treats us unfairly because God’s Mercy is really an unfair answer to what we really deserve.

God dealt with our stubborn, critical, judgmental hearts with Mercy, while He placed the penalty of Justice for our actions on Jesus. He sentenced an innocent Man to death to pay for the sin that lives in us.

Some might be wondering, “Was that really necessary? Are people really that bad that someone had to die?”

God created us to live on earth, knowing only Goodness, and having a real relationship with Him. Satan tricked Adam and Eve into not believing what God had for them was His best. Since that time, sin entered the hearts of every person born.

Does that sound like something hard to believe? Think about it this way. Do we have to teach our children to be bad? Do we have to teach them to be selfish, play unfairly, or hurt other’s feelings? No. Because it comes naturally to everyone because of sin. We need to teach them the opposite, the Good.

The best part is, in God’s Mercy instead of judgment, He takes away that sinful heart we were born with, gives us a new one and a new Spirit, which is His, and makes it possible for us to live like He intended us to from the very start! Ezekiel 36:25-26

We have a way to a better, joyful, fulfilling, satisfied life. That way is trusting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, trading justice for mercy. Trading fairness for something even better.

We don’t have to fully understand everything that means or how it’s all going to work, God is patient with us, and He is so happy to show us as we go. He’s just waiting for us to ask.

If you have questions or feel like you don’t fully understand what Faith in God is all about, please send us an email from the Contact Us page on our website. We are here for counsel, advice or prayer anytime. It’s our desire to see people live the best lives God has for them!

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