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Crystal Parham

The More I Seek You

The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.

Psalm 23:1

Psalm 23 speaks of the Shepherd’s love, comfort and faithfulness that meets the daily needs of the sheep and gives them direction and hope.

I lack nothing. The Good Shepherd provides everything we need. Every resource of Heaven is available to us. He holds nothing back. Do you withhold good things from your children? Certainly God does not! Psalm 84:11

He leads me to lie down in the green pastures and the still waters refresh my soul. He meets all my needs so I can lie down and sleep in peace. Psalm 4:8

Even though I walk through the darkest valleys I have nothing to fear because He never leaves me. Deuteronomy 31:6

He prepares a table before me even as the enemy is still trying to push me back. He prepares me for what He has prepared for me.

His Holy Spirit anoints me and I can drink from the cup in His hand because He is my comforter, my sustainer, my enabler, my power in this world. Luke 1:35 John 14:6

I thank you Jesus that You pursue me every day with Your Love and Mercy, You never let go, You are Faithful when I am faithless. 2 Timothy 2:13 If I have strayed or fallen behind all I have to do is turn around and You are there! Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can i flee from Your presence? Psalm 139:7

I will be with you forever because when You went to the cross You were preparing a place for me. John 14:3 I love You Lord because You loved me first, You are the Lover of my soul and there is none like You.

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