Rest. A nice word but maybe not practiced as much as it should be. Do we know how to rest? Is what we call rest really rest? How do you know if you are really resting? Do you feel God's peace in every situation? Whatever areas of your life you don't feel peace about are areas that you are not resting in. If we are not resting in God are we trusting God? It's easier to write about or talk about than to actually do. God's Word says that we need to not only be hearers of His Word but to be doers. James 1:22. That's something we have to determine to do on purpose and it's not easy.
I was praying recently and I had a vision of someone holding onto the tip top of the Empire State Building (Like King Kong) with one hand and juggling all of life's concerns with the other. That's exhausting and tiring! Certainly not a person of rest and peace. God showed that person letting go of everything and falling. As soon as the person fell a safety blanket was under them with the corners lifted up by invisible hands being carried safely to the ground.
The hardest part? Taking that step to let go. We can't change that wayward son or daughter, we can't change other people's behavior. We can't change how people react or keep them from picking up offense when it was not intended. But God can and we can be doers of God's Word and do everything possible to live at peace with everyone.
Whenever we face out-of-control situations, we tend to go to one of two extremes. For some of you, the more out-of-control your life gets, the harder you try to control it. Some of you do the exact opposite: You just give up! You have a pity party and invite yourself to it. Be purposed and determined to give God all control to every situation. He will work out all things for us! Romans 8:28. Trust His Word! Take inventory about what is bothering, worrying, and concerning you and hand them over to God every time they come to mind and wait for His perfect peace to fill you!