Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which you have confessed so well before many witnesses.
If you see Christian people who are enjoying the blessings of God, you can be assured that they've been through a few faith fights. God assures us that victory belongs to us, but there is no need for victory if there is not a battle. The very word "victory" indicates there has been a fight, struggle, adversity or some kind of opposition that we encountered and came through.
We need to make a DAILY decision to lay hold, to take by force, all the promises God has made to us in His Word.
We need to absolutely refuse to let go of them, we need to have an attitude of "I will not be moved!" until His blessings are on us!
We have to contend for our healing, wholeness, favor, increase, our calling, and the plans and purposes He has for us. The fruit of the Spirit as well as His gifts belong to us now and we need to press in and take hold of them by faith!
Excerpt from Charles Spurgeon
No man ever gets peace until he gets into such a passion of earnestness to be saved, that he cannot find peace until Christ speaks pardon to his soul, and brings him into life and liberty.
You have never been brought by the Spirit to such a passion, that you have said, "I cannot live unless God bless me; I cannot exist unless I see some of these children saved." Then, falling on your knees in agony of prayer, and putting forth afterwards your trust with the same intensity towards heaven, you would never have been disappointed, "for the violent take it by force."
Oh, my brethren, what we want today in the churches is violence, not violence against each other, but violence against death, and hell, against the hardness of other men's hearts, and against the sleepiness of our own selves.
Of all things in the world, God hates most the man that is neither hot nor cold. Better to have no religion than have a little: better to be altogether without it, enemies to it, than to have just enough to make you respectable, but not enough to make you earnest.