Let us continue to hold firmly to the hope that we confess without wavering, for the one who made the promise is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23

God is faithful to all of His promises! He cannot fail or deceive us, He never changes His mind or forgets His word, He is all knowing of everything that pertains to our life.
He has a plan for us, He has come to give us abundant life, and He works all things out for our good.
But what do we do when life doesn't seem to be playing out in that way? Do we try to fix it? Do we try to hurry it along? Do we try to make it happen? God is God, and we are not! So many times I believe the enemy tempts us to settle for something less than God's best, and we do settle because we just want something so bad. The enemy knows that as long as we can live with less than God's best, we will.
Adam settled for less and had to strive and toil for the very things God had already given him freely.
Cain settled and became a fugitive and vagabond.
Abraham and Sarah settled for less and delayed God's promise to them for 14 years.
Esau settled for less and lost his inheritance and blessing.
Samson settled for less and lost the Spirit of God.
These are only a few but we get the picture! Even though the promises of God don't seem to be coming to pass, Hold on!
Hold on! Wait on God! He promises that His people shall not want, all the afflictions of His people will work out for good, He promises to support us in our troubles. He has promised provision and protection, He has promised His grace and mercy, He has promised abundant life here and eternal life with Him! He has promised nothing but His best, don't settle for anything less!
GOD WORKS OUT HIS PURPOSES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH HIS PEOPLE. God’s promises are always DEPENDANT on His people being obedient. God's way may not always be the easiest way but it is always the best way! So, don't give up-