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My Shame is Undone

Crystal Parham

We have all heard "One man's trash is another man's treasure." I love to take junk and turn it into something useful and beautiful, to find something discarded and re-purpose it for something else.

Never before have I realized how this statement describes my life. For so many years I carried the shame of letting people treat me like trash, use me and throw me away, or have nothing to do with me because they didn't see any value in me. Notice I said "letting people" because I didn't see any value in myself, I didn't know what a treasure I was. There are so many things in my life that I can look back on and feel ashamed about, things I would never want my daughters to know or anyone else to know. The enemy's plan for me was to have me feel that shame all of my life, to feel worthless and be of no good to anyone.

Oh but God! He is my Living Hope! Jesus has paid a ransom for my heart and He bore MY shame on the cross! He has set my heart free and whom the Son sets free is truly free! John 8:36

Jesus is the HOPE that NEVER makes you ashamed!

And hope will never bring us shame. That’s because God’s love has been poured into our hearts. This happened through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Romans 5:5

Shame no longer fills my heart, I know how valuable I am, I know Who I belong to, and I know His plans for me! Give your heart to the One who treasures it!

If you would sincerely like to know if Jesus is real just ask Him to show you. Give Him a chance to make Himself real to you! If you are TRULY wanting to know, He will show you! I'm Praying for your shame to be turned to joy!


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