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Crystal Parham

Needs More Salt

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.

Matthew 5:13

Salt needs to be salty to be effective. Our speech needs to be salty, pointing to God's grace to be effective. Our actions need to be salty, pointing to God's grace to be effective.

If we worship Him through our every day actions, even when it costs us something or when we are going through hardships, we'll become salty, which will make people thirsty enough to ask, “Where do you find your peace in the midst of tough times? How can you live the way you do when everyone else is doing the opposite?

Salt operates by interacting with the thing that it wants to change. We have to interact with the world to change it, we have to penetrate the world but if we lose our saltiness we have no effect and become good for nothing.

The world needs to see God's flavor in us. We can give a flavor and zest to life that can't be found anywhere in the world apart from God. Let the world see a life in us of peace, love, joy, abundance, hope, and contentment that will make them thirsty for it. A pinch of salt can penetrate and change a glass of water, we can penetrate and change an entire world!

God has not called us to do anything that He will not equip us to do.

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