For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.
2 Timothy 1:6
You may say you don't have anything to offer God. Does the Holy Spirit live in you? Are there gifts from God deposited inside you? Is the fruit of the Spirit developing in you? Everyone who belongs to God has been called, no one gets to sit on the sidelines! How many excuses can we make not to do for God? More than we can count. The disciples were ordinary, unschooled men, they were obedient and available for God to use. The results of Kingdom work doesn't depend on us! Aren't you glad? We just need to be obedient and available. His Spirit is where our power and strength comes from. Don't let your age, your youth, your past, your hurts, or your fears hold you back, fan the flame and be committed to God's cause!
By Robbie Parham